Syndeo Ministries
What Is Syndeo Ministries?
Syndeo Ministries is a non-profit organization focused on helping women who are incarcerated and transitioning out of prison; as well as those women who have suffered abuse or mistreatment. We are compelled to remember and be a demonstration of Christ’s love.
Our mission is basically described in Hebrews 13:3 where it says, Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body. The term Syndeo is a Greek word meaning bound with them. This word has two meanings:
What Is Syndeo Ministries Up To?How Do We Carry Out the Mission God Has Called Us To?![]() We are so excited about all that is happening at Syndeo Ministries. There are several main arms of ministry that we are devoted to:
In 2021, we began Syndeo Discipleship School (SDS), a discipleship program for women coming out of prison and for women who have experienced trauma. We are excited about all God is doing in this two years program (with a one-year initial commitment), filled with power-packed courses consisting of Bible Study, counseling, classroom instruction, practical applications, and ministry involvement. Want to know more? Click here. Bunkhouse We're building a bunkhouse for our discipleship school. Lots of progress has been made on the building, and once completed, more women will be able to be a part of the Syndeo Discipleship School. There is still a bit of tile to be completed in the 7 bathrooms and then the punch list! And since there are so many bathrooms, there is a lot of tile. We could definitely use some help with that. So of you are interested in tiling, please let us know. Quarterly Bible Studies to 17+ Women's Prisons Did you know we provide Bible Studies to ladies in prison? Hannah Overton, Syndeo's Founder, started a Bible Study with two ladies in prison and now there are over 1,000 women who are involved. The studies go out to every woman who requests them about three times a year. Each woman who participates also receives handwritten Encouraging Notes with Scripture and encouraging words on a monthly basis. What study are we working on now? Click here to find out more. Encouraging Notes to 1,000 Women How would you like to write Encouraging Notes and help us disciple all of these ladies? This is a really neat opportunity and a great way for women to get involved from the comfort of their home, or as an outreach of your women's ministry! You can click here to find out more about participating in this encouragement ministry. Or write to us at [email protected] for more information. Since so many of these women feel forgotten, these notes of encouragement help them to know they are remembered. Please prayerfully consider being part of this selfless ministry. Summer Refresh & Christmas in White Outreaches to 10,000+ Women Summer Refresh is one of two large outreaches we do each year. The summer outreach is called "Summer Refresh" because we try to help the women get some reprieve from the summer heat, since there is no AC in most Texas prison units. We currently go to 16 Texas prison units in the summer, taking soap, shampoo, cooling towels, and/or soap to over 10,000 women. Click here to read more about the summer outreach. Christmas In White is our second annual outreach. This event is always a huge success, providing gifts of hygiene products to so many who would not get these items otherwise, since the Texas prison system provides only meager items. Now more than ever, with extended lockdowns, the women in prison need to know they are not forgotten. So we are so thankful to be able to distribute these gifts and Christmas cards to 10,000 women. Churches all over the nation help us to raise funds for this project. Thank you to everyone of you who helps to make this happen! Did you know you can collect these items throughout the year? You can! And we can definitely use your help. According to prison policy, each woman needs to receive the same items. And it's a pretty big task to provide so many items to this large number of women requiring the exact same item. Find out how you can help and get involved by clicking here. Stateside Missionary Opportunities College groups, men's groups, women's groups, and youth groups come to Syndeo. We always have stuff to do. The ministry is growing by leaps and bounds, so if your church is looking for a stateside missions outreach, feel free to contact us, and let's get you on the schedule! Read more here. Calvary Chapel Syndeo Every Sunday, we have been gathering together in a home fellowship, and our little home group has been growing and growing. We're still pretty small, but will soon outgrow our building. Construction for a new church building is underway. Pastor Larry Overton is an ordained pastor through Calvary Chapel, and Calvary Chapel Syndeo is a Calvary Chapel affiliate. Find out more here. |
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Collect products to help 10,000 women!
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Check out our store for hand-drawn cards and books published by Syndeo Ministries.
Speaking Engagements and PodcastsNow that we have women in our discipleship school who need our care, our lives are devoted to them. That means we have less time for traveling. We will, however, still try to schedule events when we are able.
Interestingly, many speaking invitations have come in the form of podcasts and interviews, which require no travel. Very neat!! If you are interested in having Hannah and/or Larry speak, please email us at [email protected], and we will be happy to schedule an event. Find out more here. |
Remember those in prison as if you were bound with them! Hebrews 13:3 NIV Website lovingly created by: Amy Allen Designs
SYNDEO (Greek) Bound with them
This word has two meanings: 1. bound in chains; to a prisoner, as a prisoner 2. bound, connected in heart, as all believers should be |