Syndeo Work Projects
New Ministry Building Construction
We are so excited about all that is happening at Syndeo Ministries, and much of what gets accomplished is through team work and work projects. Would you like to be a part of it? If construction and handyman work is your cup of tea, our current construction project is the New Ministry Building, which will include a larger sanctuary, two classrooms, and lodging for the many groups and stateside ministry events. Skilled laborers are always welcome to have help us to make progress on the building as funds are donated. Even if you are not a skilled laborer, but have the heart and time to help, please reach out to us. Youth groups and college groups are welcome too! At this point, the foundation and framing have been done, but there is so much more to do! If you are interested in helping with construction or funding, please let us know. We can definitely use your help.
Youth and College Groups
We mentioned that Youth and College groups have gotten a lot done at Syndeo too. It's true. A youth group out of El Paso actually did the foundation for the bunkhouse. Another one built a pergola, and yet others have been building retaining walls. There are always projects to do. If you are looking for a stateside missions option, Syndeo Ministries just might be the right fit for your group!
Make it a day trip, or if you want to come for a couple of days, we have room at the Syndeo Family Center. Email us for more information at [email protected].
Women's Groups
Syndeo Ministries sends Bible Studies to hundreds of women in prison. As part of that ministry, we also send Encouraging Notes to everyone who has participated in the Bible Study program, as a way to encourage the women and remind them that they are not forgotten! What started out as just a few women, is now over 1,000 women who receive these cards every month throughout the year. Since this is such a huge endeavor, we have asked women to join us from home in writing these notes. Women's groups from various churches have jumped on board and are helping by gathering together and writing Scriptures and encouraging notes too. If this is something you or your group would like to get involved in, please let us know.
We could also use help filling out all of the certificates and addressing the envelopes that are sent in to the women who finish the Bible Studies.
And then there is Christmas in White! For this outreach, in addition to hygiene products, we provide four Christmas cards for each woman to send to their family. Since we will be distributing items to over 10,000 women, that means we need to package over 40,000 cards. Yup, that's right! 40,000 cards! That's alot of cards. So, like we said, we have lots of work to do inside and out. If any of this sounds interesting to you, reach out to us and let us know.
Syndeo Ministries sends Bible Studies to hundreds of women in prison. As part of that ministry, we also send Encouraging Notes to everyone who has participated in the Bible Study program, as a way to encourage the women and remind them that they are not forgotten! What started out as just a few women, is now over 1,000 women who receive these cards every month throughout the year. Since this is such a huge endeavor, we have asked women to join us from home in writing these notes. Women's groups from various churches have jumped on board and are helping by gathering together and writing Scriptures and encouraging notes too. If this is something you or your group would like to get involved in, please let us know.
We could also use help filling out all of the certificates and addressing the envelopes that are sent in to the women who finish the Bible Studies.
And then there is Christmas in White! For this outreach, in addition to hygiene products, we provide four Christmas cards for each woman to send to their family. Since we will be distributing items to over 10,000 women, that means we need to package over 40,000 cards. Yup, that's right! 40,000 cards! That's alot of cards. So, like we said, we have lots of work to do inside and out. If any of this sounds interesting to you, reach out to us and let us know.
Remember those in prison as if you were bound with them! Hebrews 13:3 NIV Website lovingly created by: Amy Allen Designs
SYNDEO (Greek) Bound with them
This word has two meanings: 1. bound in chains; to a prisoner, as a prisoner 2. bound, connected in heart, as all believers should be |