"By Faith- A Study of Hebrews Chapter 11" Book
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"By Faith- A Study of Hebrews Chapter 11" by Calvary Chapel of Dallas/Plano Women's Ministry, is an eleven lesson study of Chapter 11 of the book of Hebrews. This chapter in Hebrews is one of the best-known in the Bible. The entire chapter is devoted to faith and to a summary of the lives of great men and women of the Old Testament whose lives were a testimony of faith. We have been called to walk by faith, not by sight. Faith is believing God, no matter how we feel and no matter what we see. It has nothing to do with our emotions, but with the facts and promises of God's Word.
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Remember those in prison as if you were bound with them! Hebrews 13:3 NIV Website lovingly created by: Amy Allen Designs
SYNDEO (Greek) Bound with them
This word has two meanings: 1. bound in chains; to a prisoner, as a prisoner 2. bound, connected in heart, as all believers should be |