From the Inside Out-Healing from the Trauma of Incarceration
It’s tough getting out! On the inside it’s very important not to be seen as weak. But on the day when freedom finally comes, all of the changes that have transpired over the years are extremely difficult to deal with. Everything is different! Not only have you changed after experiencing incarceration, but your friends and family have changed over the years too. Plus, since so much time has passed, technology and other things in the world have really changed! How are you supposed to deal with all of this? Even if you are one of the lucky ones with support from family, friends, and your on the outside is unfamiliar, unwelcoming, unusual, and incredibly difficult. Hannah Overton, who was wrongly incarcerated for seven years, and then exonerated, openly describes what she encountered as she faced the transition from the inside out after being released from prison. She also points you to Jesus Christ, as the only One who can truly walk with you every step of the way through all of these very difficult changes. This workbook provides an opportunity to take an honest look at many of the challenges faced while making the transition from the culture inside of prison to the new life on the outside. We hope the workbook can be a helpful tool as you take these new steps on the outside with the help of your Savior. You are not alone. Our prayer is that somehow, by the grace of God, this book will help make this healing time go more smoothly, as we walk through this together with Jesus, allowing Him to heal our shattered hearts.
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Remember those in prison as if you were bound with them! Hebrews 13:3 NIV Website lovingly created by: Amy Allen Designs
SYNDEO (Greek) Bound with them
This word has two meanings: 1. bound in chains; to a prisoner, as a prisoner 2. bound, connected in heart, as all believers should be |